Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: A Labor of Love

“People all over the world honor their workers in a variety of ways. In the U.S., we honor those who labor by setting aside the first Monday of September as Labor Day. But world-wide, people pour themselves into their work — paid or unpaid — with commitment, ingenuity, and a sincere desire to make a difference. For them, work has become more than just work. It has become a LABOR OF LOVE.”
Rusha Sams, Oh the Places We See 

This week’s Lens-Artists photo theme is timely and beautifully illustrated and described by the guest host, Rusha Sams

Along with my two sisters, I am committing myself for the weekend and for the indefinite future to the care of my mother, who is now in hospice at home with lung cancer. I just arrived in town yesterday and am adjusting to the situation both physically and emotionally. So far, my proudest contribution is that I made her laugh. While raising her hospital bed, I said, “Second floor, ladies’ lingerie…” – an oldie that she used herself many times in the elevator at the senior living home she left last year. 

This blog post is dedicated to all the care-givers who labor in love to give support, succor, comfort, life-saving intervention, and all other forms of ongoing assistance to humans of every age and stage of life. I am appreciative, impressed, and inspired as I witness the process of caring change the lives of people I know intimately. In my own family, I picture loved ones involved in labors of childcare, massage, elder care, estate care, feeding, clothing, housing, and so many other acts as well as in the gracious receiving of care. I’ve seen and experienced the transformation of family relationships in the give-and-take of caring. A task done in love transcends the merely useful dimension and becomes a life-giving act for both initiator and recipient.

May your labors spread love both inwardly and outwardly, enriching your own life as you enrich others’ lives. Namaste!

24 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: A Labor of Love

  1. Namaste Priscilla, what a beautiful homage to the labors of your family’s love. Hoping your mother is able to manage through and that the loving care of her family makes all the difference for her.

  2. What a gorgeous tribute not only to the care givers but also to your mom whom you have characterized as a woman of humor and a person notable for being kind-hearted and grateful for those who offered support when she needed it most. Thanks for recognizing the body of care givers who never receive enough praise. And maybe loving daughters fall into that category as well.
    I hope you enjoyed putting together the collage as much as I have enjoyed seeing it. Thanks for participating in this week’s challenge.

  3. Priscilla, Sarah, Dharma … [Priscilla: please forward this to  Sarah & Dharma] Thank you all for keeping in touch with me. I don’t know how much Anne Louise can communicate online. Is she heavily sedated? I loved seeing the photo of her playing the piano for others. She loved playing it all her life. Is she on heavy-duty medications? Her voice sounded groggy as if she were. How I wish I could be there with her. She was always an extra mother to me and when I was having troubles she was always such a comfort. If only this horrible Covid thing weren’t   gumming up the works I could be there with my beloved Anne Louise. Please tell her I love her. And I love all her children. Please keep the photos coming! Love, Aunt Sandy PS…please send email addresses for David, Dharma & Sarah. I’m a Klutz with email. I just had surgery to remove cataracts and correct glaucoma so I’m learning to see again.

  4. This is beautiful, Priscilla. What a tribute to caretakers and the people we care for. I love what you wrote: A task done in love transcends the merely useful dimension and becomes a life-giving act for both initiator and recipient. It’s true that we are also blessed when we help others. Your love and caring and devotion is a wonderful tribute to your mother. Take care.

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