Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: Fragments

Our guest host, Brian of bushboys world, sets out a poetic challenge this morning in wisps of memory, a fragrant breeze, a wistful thought, a glimpse behind a curtain of time.

Fragments begin an exploration of extrapolation…what is mssng? How to fll t n? Perhaps all photography is fragmentary. No image captures it all. I am reminded of an exercise I once did in art class. We were given a small card with a simple configuration of lines. We were to paste it onto a bigger piece of paper and create a larger drawing around it. In other words, we were given a fragment and asked to reconstruct a whole, using as much imagination as we could muster.

I love Brian’s invitation. It’s as if he said, “Once upon a time….your turn.”
And off you go, Lens-Artists! I look forward to seeing what has sparked your imagination.

25 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: Fragments

  1. Terrific response Priscilla. Loved the sound of the school project – what a creative teacher!! Also loved your images and the concept that truly every photograph is a fragment. So true.

  2. Loved your words, Priscilla. The photos are a creative and expansive look at “once upon a time…” Yes. Photos are fragments. I say that so often when we visit expansive views (like the Grand Canyon). You cant capture it all so you have to decide what pieces you will capture to tell THAT story. I love all your photos. The most unique for me were the rope and the bark of the tree. Always a pleasure, Priscilla.

  3. What you have written is so good and does extrapolate the essence of what I was trying to entice from people and photos Priscilla. I love the rope which is a story in itself 😀

  4. Great selections. Love the doll’s head with rabbit. Benign or macabre? 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

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