Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: Odds and Ends

“A Miscellany is a collection without a natural ordering relation.” ― John Edensor Littlewood

This morning, Tina of Travels and Trifles invites us to post images that may never fit into any Challenge category, so I went looking for recent captures that I just…like. For no particular reason. Turns out, however, that I could say truthfully that they do have something in common. They were all taken within an hour’s drive from my home in Oregon.

“The world is so full of a number of things, I’m sure we should all be as happy as kings.”
― Robert Louis Stevenson

I hope you find a huge collection of various things to delight you this week, close by your home. Living local has many environmental and social benefits and can help heal the planet and our selves.

19 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: Odds and Ends

  1. You did, indeed, delight me with your photos. I am looking forward to looking through files to find those photos that I really like but never fit in to post.

  2. Brilliant capture of the jelly fish! And you were in my neck of the woods while in Corvallis. It’s been a few years since I’ve been there, but nature everywhere. Donna

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